All-on-4® Before and After

The Importance of Photos with All-on-X

All-on-X dental implants are a hot topic in the market right now. In many cases, it is the ideal fixed full arch solution for the dentally exhausted.

All-on-4 photo seriesIn order to successfully fabricate the provisional, we highly recommend taking photos to ensure an optimal esthetic outcome. The photos show us that this patient has an extremely high smile line and descending plane of occlusion. By having these photos, we can communicate with the surgeon about the necessary Alveoloplasty to make sure the transition line of the restoration is apical of the smile line. They also help us to guestimate the proper occlusal plane.

While many corrections can be a challenge to accomplish without the benefit of wax try-in, photos help us to get very close. Since this is a temporary provisional, we can then work out any final details when we make the final restoration.