Learn about All-on-4

The SYNC Education Series 2016

One of our areas of focus continues to be the All-on-X procedure.  We want to make sure that all of our clients are aware that we offer All-on-4 assistance in terms of making the provisional and retrofitting it onto the implants day of surgery.  We then make the final prosthesis most often a hybrid on a CAD|CAM implant bar over four or more implants.  

If you are new to All-on-4 and would like to learn more about it, we offer you the 2016 SYNC Education Series.  Through an evening SYNC program sponsored by Nobel Biocare, we will bring you, our lab and your surgeon of choice together on your behalf to show you how to maximize clinical and surgical outcome and avoid complications with the All-on-X procedure. 

The SYNC series is designed for ALL TEAM MEMBERS of your practice and will provide an overview of the entire procedure, patient generation techniques along with examples and statistics, fixed hard costs involved with All-on-X, success rates of the procedure and marketing materials to educate your patients. 

Call Scott Lowrey at 480-446-7063 to secure a SYNC presentation date and step into the profitable world of All-on-4®.

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